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Showing posts with the label digestion of food
ELECTRICAL MEASURING INSTRUMENTS For the detection or measurement of electric current, potential difference, and resistance certain instruments have been devised viz. The galvanometer for the detection of small currents measurements of small currents of the order of micro amperes or mili amperes the voltmeter or potentiometer for the measurement of potential difference (and voltage) between two points of a circuit are the EMF of a source the ammeter for the measurement of large currents the wheatstone bridge the meter Bridge the post office box and the ohmmeter for the measurement of resistance. THE MOVING COIL GALVANOMETER The moving coil galvanometer is a basic electrical instrument it is used for the detection (and Measurement) of small currents. Its underlying principle is the fact that when a current flows in a rectangular coil placed in a magnetic field it experiences a magnetic torque. If it is free to rotate under a controlling torque, it rotates through an angle proportional t...
DIGESTION OF FOOD The food of animals and men consists of complex organic substances such as carbohydrate, fats, proteins etc. Theses substances as such cannot be absorbed by cells hence it is necessary that our body mechanism must change these complex molecules into simple absorbable by cells hence it is necessary that our body mechanism must change these complex molecules into simple absorbable form. DIGESTION : It is the process of breaking down of food mechanically and chemically into simple water soluble units, suitable of being absorbed into the body fluids.             In man digestion and absorption of food occur in the alimentary canal which is about 9 meter long.The digestion is extracellular within the gut cavity and mainly is the enzymatic hydrolysis of food.            Different parts of alimentary canal perform their specific action in digestion as follows: (a) DIGESTION IN MOUTH (BUCCAL DIGESTION):-  The di...