The existence of hydrogen of elements was first discovered by J.J. Thomson in 1912-1913 while working on the properties of neon.The isotopes may be defined as
"Atoms of the same elements having same atomic number but different mass numbers"
It may also be defined as
"Atoms that have the same number of protons but different number of neutrons in their respective nuclei"
Nearly all elements found in nature are mixture of several isotopes.Isotopes of hydrogen are given special names while isotopes of other elements are not given any special name.
There are 3 isotopes of hydrogen, mainly:
- Protium
- Deuterium
- Tritium
(i) Protium
It is also known as ordinary Hydrogen.It contains one proton in the nucleus and there is one electron in 1s orbital (First Shell). It has atomic number one and atomic mass number is also 1 . Naturally free occuring hydrogen or in the form of compounds contain about 99.98% protium.
It is also called heavy hydrogen although this name is inappropriate because there is another isotope of hydrogen namely "Tritium" which is even heavier than deuterium.
It contains one proton and one neutron in the nucleus and one electron in 1s orbital.It has atomic number 1 and atomic mass number 2. It is present in naturally occurring hydrogen to the extent of about 0.0156% i.e in the ratio 1:15000
(iii) Tritium
It contains 1 proton and 2 neutrons in the nucleus and 1 electron in 1s orbital.It has atomic number 1 and atomic mass number 3. It occurs in very small quantities in the naturally occurring hydrogen to the extent of about 4x10 exponent -15 %. It is radio active form of hydrogen and has half life of 12.5years.
Hope you will understand after reading this article,
What are isotopes ?
What are isotopes of hydrogen ?
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